DIY Instant Pot Elderberry Syrup

for you

The last few winters my family has added Elderberry Cough Syrup to our winter wellness routine!  It has helped us so much and if you do a quick Internet search you’ll see all the benefits of this amazing herb — Vitamins A, B, and C are just a few benefits you’ll get from this syrup!

In the fall we start taking 1/2 – 1 tsp for kids and 1/2 – 1 tablespoon for adults right before we drink our NingXia Red every morning.  It became expensive to buy fresh syrup ($25/pint) so I began making my own with my Instant Pot!  It is SO easy!


  • 1/3 cup elderberries
  • 1 3/4 cup water
  • 1/2 cup raw honey
  • 1 drop Young Living Ginger Vitality Essential Oil
  • 1 drop Young Living Cinnamon Vitality Essential Oil
  • 1 drop Young Living Clove Vitality Essential Oil
  • 3 drops Young Living Lemon Vitality Essential Oil
  • 3 drops Young Living Orange Vitality Essential Oil


  1. Pour elderberries and water into your Instant Pot.  (Don’t add the honey yet or the essential oils since boiling destroys the properties!)
  1. Set the manual time to 5 minutes.  After the time is up, turn it off and just let the pressure come down naturally.
  1. Let the liquid cool.
  1. Strain the liquid into a glass storage jar and discard the elderberries.
  1. Add the honey and essential oils.
  1. Way to go!! You have homemade elderberry syrup!   We store our syrup in a glass jar in the fridge and take it daily in the fall. Some sources recommend taking only during the week and not on the weekends to boost immunity.

Makes 16 ounces.

This is a family recipe and not personal medical advice.

Need Young Living Vitality Essential Oils that you can ingest?! 

Here’s how to order — choose the kit that fits your needs!

No minimum orders or commitments!

1) You can get the Premium Starter Kit with 12 oils & diffuser and add on the oils from the recipe!


2) You can get the Basic Kit with lots of goodies including the delightful Stress Away blend — and just add the essential vitality oils from the recipe! You will need to add Orange Vitality, Lemon Vitality, Clove Vitality, Cinnamon Bark Vitality, and Ginger Vitality Essential Oils!

basic kit

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While you wait on your amazing oils to arrive, check out these yummy recipes that use several of the same vitality essential oils found in my Elderberry Syrup!

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