I am so excited to have a Summer Lotion that keeps my red headed fair skinned babies safe during the summer — and even better — doesn’t cause hives on my babies like the store brands. A friend shared her Summer Lotion with me one day at a playground and I got to test it out before making my own!! You may also want to test anything on yourself before putting it on your babies and sending them into the sun!
I ordered most of these ingredients from Amazon.com.
-1 ounce Sesame Oil
-1 ounce beeswax (adds waterproof properties)
-1 ounce mango butter (from Amazon.com!)
-1 teaspoon vitamin E oil
-0.36 ounces zinc oxide powder (also from Amazon!)
-30 drops Young Living Carrot Seed Essential Oil
– 15 drops Young Living Lavender Essential Oil
1. In a double boiler, over low heat, melt the oils, beeswax, and butter. (I don’t have a double boiler so I made my own! Be careful!)
2. Remove from the burner and add the vitamin E oil, zinc oxide powder, and essential oils. Note: Wear a mask when working with zinc oxide. (Although it has not been proven harmful when used topically, inhaling the substance can be dangerous.) Stir until mixed well.
3. Pour into a push-up dispenser (I repurposed a lip balm tube and poured the rest into a little container). This recipe will be very thick – it is perfect or repurposing deodorant tubes too!
4. Allow to cool and harden then you’re ready to try it! When we are outside, I apply this every 30-40 minutes. But that is just me! It is great in the pool but I’d rather over-apply than regret not putting more on the kiddos!