September Freebies

sept promo


September promos are off the hook – a family wellness kit for FREE!! Truly, there is something here for everyone! And now with YL GO, Young Living’s version of Amazon prime’s Shipping subscription (but better ), there is legit no reason to not hop on Essential Rewards today!


 Clove Vitality 5ml (ER exclusive): Let me break it down friends, Clove oil is the most concentrated antioxidant known with an ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value of over 1,000,000. By comparison the ORAC score for blueberries is only 2,400.  So yeah, we’re talking immune system support! Also wonderful to dilute and rub on the gums for oral health.

Any bakers? Just google Clove Oil and fall recipes and you will come up with lots of fun ways to use Clove Vitality. Aromatically, Clove encourages sleep, stimulates dreams, and creates a sense of protection and courage.

 DiGize 15ml (ER exclusive): also comes in Vitality, As the name states, this oil is fantastic for supporting healthy digestion. I often like to tell people that oils are most effective when continuously used and I still stand by that but this oil is instant gratification for most people.

Your tummy is feeling off? Over ate? Use it and sweet relief within minutes ! Some love this directly dropped under their tongue or massaged under the navel on stomach.

 Inner Defense: We call this supplement the first responder in our house. When someone needs some immune support and ALWAYS when we travel, we take this. This supplement contains Oregano, Clove, Thyme, Lemon, Lemongrass, Eucalyptus Radiata, Rosemary and Cinnamon.

It’s basically like Thieves but with Oregano and Lemongrass added in. So The power of thieves and then some. Pretty much this: = Inner Defense. I also suggest taking with food! Lots of hot oils in there.

Thieves Hand Foaming Soap: Plant based, gentle and power packed with Thieves, lemon and orange essential oils. Contains no sulfates, dyes, synthetic fragrances or harsh chemicals. If you haven’t started replacing everyday household items in your home yet, now is the time to do it for free.

Young Living is so much more than oils and supplements! The majority of my ER order isn’t actually oils – it’s lifestyle products! Once you fall in love with this, you can order the soap refill and fill her up.

5ml Manuka: Gorgeous skin is never out of season! Boy do I love this oil for my skin. It has very similar properties to tea tree oil but the aroma is completely different, woodsy and thicker to the touch. Blemish prone skin? This plus our Acne Treatment and you’re set. It’s also wonderful for a healthy scalp – add a couple drops to your shampoo.

ImmuPower 15ml:  Is how I feel about this one! Do you guys know what this oil does?!! Ok so the name pretty much says it but let’s break it down. This blends includes, Hyssop, Mountain Savory, Cistus, Camphor, Frankincense, Oregano, Clove, Cumin, and Dorado Azul. 

That’s Like half the oils in the Oils of Ancient Scripture Kit (and remember those oils are like raindrop oils – they do all the things) plus some power houses like Dorado Azul, Oregano and Cumin Seed oil. Use this daily. Your cells and DNA will thank you!

So who is ready to jump on YL Go /YL Go Plus and grab up the 300pv promo?! All of these products added up at your member price is $181.75 AND if you’re at 20% on ER you get $60 in ER points back! Deal. 

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