Essential Oils Storage: Before and After

Tired of cabinet chaos? Say goodbye to the clutter and embrace zen-like organization with these little essential oil bottle trays! 🌈 Dive into our before-and-after journey of transforming part of our essential oil collection from a cabinet catastrophe to a drawer dreamland.

Before: Cabinet Conundrum 🀯

Opening that cabinet felt like a wild treasure hunt, with bottles tumbling like mischievous gems. Each search for an oil resulted in an accidental oil spill or a minor avalanche. Talk about an adventure!

After: Drawer Delight πŸŽ‰

These little trays on Amazon have space for up to 40 bottles of 5mL to 20mL, and fits right into your drawer. It’s like magic – your oils are tamed and accessible in one joyful space! I have left over trays for the kids’ bathroom drawers and the master bathroom drawers too!

What We Love: 🌈

  1. Efficiency Galore: Farewell to crowded cabinets and hello to extra space!
  2. ID at a Glance: Bottles stand tall, letting you identify oils in a breeze.
  3. Grab-and-Go: No more bottle tumbles – your oils are always ready to use!
  4. Stylish Display: Functional and fabulous, it’s organization with flair.

Revamp Your Space: How-to Guide 🌼

  1. Measure and Marvel: Measure your drawer and set the stage for a transformative fit.
  2. Nestle Your Storage: Place the trays inside, adjusting its size like a puzzle piece.
  3. Bottle Ballet: Gently slide each oil bottle into its own groove.

Elevate Your Experience Today 🌟

Trade chaos for serenity, and transform your drawer into an essential oil haven. Begin the journey today and sprinkle some blissful order into your life!

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